RepHike, a marketing software that uses machine learning to recommend content creators on social media to brands, recently announced Paul Singh, Results Junkies founder and former 500 Startups partner, as an investor. The deal marks Singh’s first investment in a Western or Upstate New York company. The undisclosed investment will enable RepHike to further capitalize on its position as a leader in the social media marketing space, fuel its growth, and open new revenue streams. Solving customer-centric problems through product innovation has been one of the key areas of focus for RepHike and the investment will help in building new marketing technology solutions.
“Our team is on a great trajectory and this investment helps us scale our revenues and grow faster,” said Shashank, “Paul’s investment in a Western New York company shows that companies in this region are very innovative and given the right mentorship and resources can become an industry leader.” In addition to Singh, RepHike existing investors span the Buffalo and Syracuse areas including Startfast, CenterState CEO’s The Tech Garden, and Launch NY. RepHike received a $50K investment from The Tech Garden's TC Growth Fund earlier this year. About RepHike RepHike is a marketing software that recommends and collaborates with the right content creators for brands and their social media marketing campaigns. In 2017, RepHike was founded by Shashank Roy, Olivia Goldstein, and Abhishek Menon in Buffalo, NY. For more information visit - About Result Junkies Result Junkies is an investment firm founded by Paul Singh to invest in great entrepreneurs and startups everywhere else. Paul works with startups at every stage to provide the resources, expertise and capital they need to succeed. For more information visit - Comments are closed.
June 2024